Face life positively

In this era of fierce competition and rapid changes in knowledge and technology, everyone feels great pressure. Stress and bad emotions are like an invisible dark cloud, covering everyone’s heart. Emotions are like a double-edged sword, which will bring us courage, confidence and strength, and will also make us impulsive, cowardice and melancholy, and even do something immoral. The ancients said, “Angry hurts the liver, sad the lungs, think hurts the spleen, and fear hurts the kidney.” Since emotions are so closely related to our life and study, we can actively optimise emotions and release pressure in the face of stress and bad emotions.

First of all, we should build self-confidence. Self-confidence has nothing to do with the advantages and disadvantages of personal foundation. Its function is to change yourself at the moment you have self-confidence and take a positive and fulfilling path.

After all, no one’s life is flat, and the ups and downs will always appear when you inadvertently. When you wrestle in some inconspicuous places, do you only look at the yellow sand and dust in front of you, or do you still look at the infinite dangerous peak you want to conquer? People with self-confidence must quickly adjust their emotions and focus on the future.

Secondly, we can give ourselves positive hints that a relaxed and happy life comes from self-suggestion. We can get up and hint to the mirror that “I’m going to live a very full life today”, “I believe I will make progress today”, “It’s a nice day today, and I’m in a good mood”…

I believe that with such positive hints, their learning efficiency will be very high, and their daily life will be great! In fact, such a hint also gives me a good mood. If we are in a good mood, can the learning effect be bad? Can life be unhappy?

Stress has both advantages and disadvantages for people. Moderate pressure can keep your mind tense and improve the efficiency of doing things. However, once the pressure is excessive, you may suffer from mental diseases such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc., which makes people at a loss. There is a limit to people’s psychological endurance. People who exceed this limit will collapse. It’s like a balloon. If you keep blowing in, it will eventually explode.

Stress is everywhere. In the face of pressure, what we need to do is not to try to suppress it, but to learn to guide and let it go, so that we can grow healthily and continue to develop.

In the face of pressure, sometimes giving full play to the spirit of Ah Q and self-deprecating is also an effective way.

Disaffement is inevitable on the road of life, and all kinds of pressures are accompanied by shadows. In the face of pressure, we might as well correct our mentality and guide ourselves in a positive and positive direction. We will never let the pressure pile up and never suppress our spirit for a long time. Only in this way can we appreciate the beauty of life and have a healthy and happy life.

Remember the following sentences,
I. If it’s not yours, don’t keep it; if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t take it anymore. If a person is cold, he will keep his heart warm; if he is separated, he will enjoy the joy of the floating world alone. Don’t look back in the past, and don’t do it in the future. This is the life you should live.

II. It’s comfortable to stay in bed, but you may be late; it’s cool to stay up late, but it’s harmful to your body; it’s fun to play with mobile phones, but you may find that you haven’t made any progress as time goes by. People should understand that the harder they work, the luckier they are. The degree of self-discipline determines the height of life.

Third, people will grow up three times. The first time is when you find that you are not the centre of the world; the second time is when you find that no matter how hard you work, there are still some things that make people powerless; the third time is when you know that some things may be powerless, but you will still try your best to fight for them.

IV. Life is not for compromise. The more you retreat, the more space you can breathe. Life is not for making do with it. The more humble you behave, the farther away some happy things will be from you.

V. Close your eyes and tell yourself quietly. We can’t control what others think; we can’t force what others to do. The only thing you can do is to do your best to do your own things well, go your own way, and live a good life according to your own principles.

6. Later, it was found that those real fierce actors were not eloquent people, but cautious. They don’t lose their temper because of anger, and they don’t slander because of dissatisfaction. They quietly put away their kindness and silently give you one by one. – Gu Nai


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