Tomorrow’s white dew, eat more three treasures, drink the right three tea, prevent three diseases, autumn and winter health and less illness

The white dew is red, yellow and white, and the cotton field is like a sea of people. The ears continue to go. In the morning, the cotton is repaired and the afternoon is picked (agricultural proverb). Tomorrow, it will enter the white dew solar term. Bailu is the third solar term in autumn, indicating the end of the Mengqiu season and the beginning of the mid-autumn season.

After the arrival of the white dew season, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the air is cool. The temperature difference in the morning and evening will be large. At night, you will feel a trace of coolness, and you will obviously feel “summer goes and autumn”.

So, how should people maintain their health during this period?

Tomorrow’s white dew, eat more three treasures, drink the right three tea, prevent three diseases, autumn and winter health and less illness

Tomorrow’s white dew, eat more three treasures

1. White radish

White radish can be said to be one of the best choices for eating vegetables during the white dew season. Its taste is sweet and spicy, and it enters the liver, stomach, lungs and large intestine. It has the functions of clearing heat and generating fluid, appetising and strengthening the spleen. At this time, eating more white radishes can also enhance the body’s immunity, improve disease resistance, and lay a good foundation for a healthy winter.

2. Longan

Since ancient times, there has been a custom of “white dew must eat longan”. Longan, also known as longan, is a very common fruit in life. It is beneficial to qi, tonifying the spleen, nourishing blood and calming the mind and other effects. And the longan before and after the white dew solar term is big, sweet in taste and in taste. It is the best time to eat longan.

3. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes, which we often call sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes. There has been a folk custom of eating sweet potatoes with white dew since ancient times. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweet potatoes are sweet and flat in flavour, which can nourish the spleen and replenish qi. ” There are also corresponding records in the Compendium of Materia Medica, saying that if you eat it regularly, you can live a long life and have fewer diseases. In addition, relevant data show that the lysine in sweet potatoes can promote the metabolism of the human body and promote development; dietary fibre can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, and protect gastrointestinal health.

Tomorrow’s white dew, drink the right three tea

1. White dew tea

White dew tea is a general term for tea leaves grown during the white dew period. White dew solar term, strong sunshine, tea leaves are exposed to enough sunlight, enough photosynthesis, brewed tea soup is naturally delicious. In this solar term, drinking some white dew tea every day can play the role of sterilisation and detoxification, promoting digestion, and maintaining health and ageing.

2. White tea

White tea, white as silver in colour, elegant and fresh; no kneading or stir-frying, there is no smoke and fire. It coincides with the name and meaning of “Bai Lu”. Farmers in many areas pick white tea during the white dew season. When they drink it, it is warm and not dry, and it is sweet and fragrant.

3. Green tea

Green tea, also known as oolong tea, has a mellow and rich aroma and a mellow taste. It is a variety between green tea and black tea. It is a warm tea that is not cold or hot. During the white dew season, the weather turns cold and the climate is dry, which makes the mouth dry and the lips dry. At this time, drinking some green tea can moisturise the skin, moisten the lungs, clear away heat and eliminate dryness, which is very good for autumn health.

White dew is coming, prevent three diseases, and lay a good foundation for wintering!

I. Cold

As the saying goes, the autumn wind night of white dew is cool all night. At the beginning of white dew, the weather will gradually turn cold, and the temperature difference between morning and evening will gradually increase. Some people with poor immunity and low resistance are prone to colds.

Preventive measures:

1. Drink more water

During the white dew season, the climate is dry, and the water in the body is easily lost. Therefore, in daily life, we should pay attention to drinking more water to ensure that the body is fully hydrated and avoid dehydration. Especially for people who are prone to colds, and those who have already caught a cold, they should drink more water, which is conducive to detoxification of the body and preventing the occurrence of colds.

2. Press the nose wing

The study found that nearly half of the colds are caused by rhinoviruses. Therefore, daily massage on both sides of the nose can effectively prevent the occurrence of colds. Method: Use your index finger and thumb to rub the Yingxiang point on both sides of the nose for 20 times twice a day.

3. Diligent ventilation

After getting up in the morning, you should open the window in time to keep the fresh air circulating and keep the ventilation time about 15 minutes, except in bad weather. This is because in an environment where doors and windows are closed, the number of bacteria contained in the air per cubic metre can be as high as tens of thousands. After opening the window for ventilation, there are only thousands of bacteria left. After opening the window for ventilation, more sunlight can shine into the room, which plays a role in disinfection and sterilisation.

II. Gastrointestinal

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is the foundation of the acquired nature, and the spleen is the main transportation. The stomach is an important digestive organ. Whether digestion is good or bad determines whether it is absorbed or not. In summer, people mainly use “cold food”, resulting in gastrointestinal damage; after entering the Bailu solar term, it is easier to help “wet evil” without paying attention to it. Therefore, during the white dew season, we should take good care of the intestines and stomach, and we should focus on a light and warm diet.

Preventive measures:

1. Massage acupuncture points

Stomach Yu acupoint: Located on the back, when the twelfth thoracic spine is under the spine, it opens 1.5 inches on the side.

Method: Rub the stomach points on both sides of the thumbs and abdomen of both hands. The technique should be even and soft; twice a day, press and knead for 2 minutes each time.

Function: strengthen the stomach and spleen, promote digestion and absorption, and adjust gastrointestinal function.

2. Light diet

A light diet refers to a diet with less oil, less sugar, less salt and less spicy, that is, a relatively light taste. This kind of diet is very beneficial to the human body, which can prevent high blood pressure and protect gastrointestinal health. Although those “heavy” diets bring a sense of irritation to the taste buds, they also add a great burden to the stomach and bring different degrees of damage to the body.

3. Drink tea to nourish the stomach

Fermented milk grass: It has a good stomach nourishing effect. It can clear stomach heat, relieve gastritis, treat stomach pain, and also inhibit Helicobacter pylori. It is recorded in ancient medical books that it is effective for stomach diseases; modern research has found that it can not only kill and inhibit Helicobacter pylori, but also repair the damage of gastric mucosa. After fermenting it, it not only tastes more fragrant, but also reduces the coldness and is more suitable for long-term drinking.

III. Autumn dryness

After the white dew, it will soon enter the autumn equinox, and the temperature will suddenly drop. At this time, the moisture in the air will be dried. Traditional Chinese medicine calls this climate characteristic “autumn dryness”.

Therefore, many people will have dry mouth, dry nose, dry skin and other symptoms during the white dew solar term.

Preventive measures:

1. Skin moisturising

In the white dew solar term, the climate is dry. In addition to drinking enough water every day, you should also do a good job of moisturising the skin. You can carry a moisturising spray every day to moisturise the skin from time to time. After washing your face and bathing, apply moisturising lotion in time to reduce the loss of moisture.

2. Adjust the mood

Since ancient times, people have had a lot of sadness.

In the sad autumn, it will damage the lung qi and cause damage to the body’s immune function. Therefore, after Bailu, it is necessary to pay attention to the adjustment of emotions. As the saying goes, the sick of the seven emotions, reading books to relieve boredom, listening to music to relieve sorrow, is better than taking medicine. Therefore, to adjust your mood, you can choose to read more books, listen to some cheerful music, etc.

3. Keep exercising

Autumn is a very suitable season for sports. And exercise can also improve the immunity of the human body, so as to effectively prevent autumn dryness. Choose an exercise that suits you and stick to it for 30 minutes every day. In the long run, your body will be healthier!


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