About traditional Chinese medicine sports health

Exercise is an important part of health preservation. Hua Tuo’s words in the Han Dynasty are a famous saying. When talking about the Five Birds Opera, he pointed out: “The human body wants to work, but it is not enough to use extreme ears. If it shakes, the grain will be sold, the blood will circulate, and the disease will not be born.” If you don’t use it properly, that is, you can’t overdone it. If you don’t overact it, it will be unfavourable to health care. In modern health science, exercise occupies an unshakeable position, and almost every health expert should emphasise the importance of exercise to health. As an old Chinese medicine doctor with rich health experience, Deng Tietao, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, also expressed his views in the article “Deng Tietao, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, talks about sports and health care”. He agreed that exercise is an important part of health care, and suggested that middle-aged and elderly people adopt walking and fitness methods.

He said: Middle-aged and elderly people can choose to walk for 30 minutes a day, which is also called “medical walk” in medicine. People over 60 years old take a walk twice a day for 30-40 minutes each time, which is very good for their health.” Every day before lunch, I take a leisurely walk around the building I live in for 10 times.” At the same time, Mr. Deng also pointed out that exercise is not only physical, but also includes “brain exercise”, reading, reading newspapers, and making the brain “move”; thinking about problems, writing articles, and the brain can also “move”.

The elderly might as well keep a diary, which is good for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. So, what are the benefits of walking every day? Walking is a gentle exercise. Its intensity is suitable for everyone. The principle of “three, five, seven” should be followed when walking. Three: 30 minutes of exercise each time; Five: Five days of exercise per week; Seven: Heart rate after exercise = 170-age.

According to scientists’ research, gentle walking has an anti-ageing effect.

1. Walking can reduce the accumulation of belly fat and maintain the body’s body beauty.

2. Walking can reduce the formation of blood clots and reduce the possibility of myocardial infarction.

3. Walking can reduce the accumulation of triglycerides and cholesterol on the artery wall, and also reduce the chance of converting blood sugar into triglycerides.

4. Walking can reduce hormone production, and too much adrenaline can cause arterial vascular disease.

5. Walking can enhance muscle strength, strengthen legs, feet, muscles and bones, make joints flexible, and promote human blood circulation and metabolism.

6.Regular and reasonable walking will eliminate heart ischaemic symptoms or lower blood pressure. It makes the human body eliminate fatigue, feel happy, and relieves panic and palpitations.

7. Walking can protect the environment, eliminate waste gas pollution, strengthen the body, improve the body’s immunity, reduce diseases, and also have a positive effect on longevity.

8. Walking can enhance the secretion function of digestive glands, promote regular gastrointestinal peristalsis, and increase appetite. It has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, habitual constipation and other symptoms.

9. Walking is a way of fitness with movement and movement, which can relieve nerve and muscle tension. According to experts, when irritability and anxiety rush to the heart, walking at a brisk pace for about 15 minutes can relieve tension and stabilise emotions.

10. Walking in the fresh outdoor air, the brain’s thinking activities become clear and flexible, which can effectively eliminate mental fatigue and improve learning and work efficiency. According to relevant expert tests, those who walk five times a week, half an hour to an hour each time, and those who persist for four months in a row are more responsive and have an advantage in vision and memory compared with people who do not like exercise.

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