The benefits of exercise

Life lies in sports, and sports need science. Scientific physical activities can prevent diseases, please the body and mind, and promote health. According to the 2014 National Fitness Activity Survey of the State General Administration of Sports, the proportion of urban and rural residents in China who often participate in physical exercise is 33.9%, of which the regular exercise rate of residents aged 20 to 69 is only 14.7%. The rate of regular exercise for adults is at a low level, and lack of physical activity has become a variety of chronic diseases. Important reasons.

At the same time, the changes in cardiopulmonary endurance, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, body composition and other indicators are not optimistic, and most residents are still very blind when participating in sports activities.

Regular and moderate physical activities can help prevent and improve overweight and obesity, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases, and can promote mental health, improve quality of life and happiness, and promote social harmony.

1. Understand the health benefits of exercise.

It is recommended that individuals improve their awareness of physical activity and develop exercise habits.

Understand and master the knowledge of national fitness and physical activity, integrate physical activities into daily life, master exercise skills, move less quietly and more, reduce sedentary, and maintain a healthy weight; scientific exercise avoids the risk of exercise.

2. It is beneficial to move, but it is important to persist.

Before exercising, you need to know the medical history and family medical history, evaluate the physical condition, encourage the formulation of exercise plans under the guidance of family doctors or professionals, choose your own exercise mode, intensity and amount of exercise, and reduce the risk of exercise. Encourage moderate-intensity exercise of more than 3 times a week and more than 30 minutes each time, or a total of 150 minutes of medium-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity.

In daily life, you should move as much as possible to reach 6,000 to 10,000 steps of physical activity every day. Eat and exercise in balance, so that the excess energy ingested can be consumed through exercise to achieve the balance of various functions of the body. A complete exercise includes preparation activities, formal exercise, and organising activities. A week’s exercise and fitness includes aerobic exercise, strength exercise, flexibility exercise and other contents. It is recommended that families are equipped with small, portable and easy-to-operate fitness equipment suitable for family members.

3. Exercise for the elderly helps to maintain physical function and slow down the degradation of cognitive function. It is recommended that the elderly can do what they can and choose the exercise style that is suitable for their physical constitution and health.

While attaching importance to aerobic exercise, we should pay attention to muscle strength exercise and flexibility exercise, exercise our balance ability appropriately, strengthen the skeletal muscle system, and prevent falls. It is recommended that the elderly regularly measure blood pressure and blood sugar and adjust the amount of exercise during exercise.

4. For special groups, such as pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases, the disabled, etc., it is recommended to exercise under the guidance of doctors and sports professionals.

Patients with simple obesity should at least reach the recommended amount of exercise for ordinary adults. To control your weight, you should do medium- and low-intensity exercises for more than 45 minutes a day.

In the process of weight loss, it is recommended to emphasise muscle strength exercise to avoid muscle and bone weight loss. Promote the combination of exercise and diet control to lose weight.

5. People who mainly focus on manual labour should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, avoid “overwork”, and promote the all-round development of the body through exercise.

You can change to a relaxed way of exercise after working for a period of time to reduce muscle soreness and stiffness and eliminate local fatigue, but the amount and intensity of exercise should not be too much.


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